[Source: Paul Wright]

When the former St Helens & Runcorn Gap Railway closed as a through route on Sunday 4 November 1981 the line was severed 340 yards to the south of the Clock Face Number 1 Ground Frame. Track lifting had commenced southwards towards Farnworth & Bold station by January 1982. Work had begun in earnest at Farnworth & Bold by mid January 1982 and the track was all gone by February 1982 although sleeper recovery continued into March.

The following photographs aranged from south to north were taken by Graham Earle during February and March 1982.

After the closure of Farnworth & Bold signal box on 4 November 1973 a fixed distant signal was erected just to the north of the point were the former Cheshire Lines railway passed under the St Helens line. The fixed distant was for Widnes Number 1 box. It is seen in this view looking south on 5 March 1982.
hoto by Graham Earle

Moving further north towards Farnworth & Bold station sleepers from the former up line are seen stacked on the former down on 14 February 1982. In thedistance can be seen the fixed distant signal shown in the first picture. To the left is the former Spence and Sons Works (by that time Laportes) and to the right the Turners Asbestos Company Everite works.
Photo by Graham Earle

Looking north towards Farnworth & Bold station from the same position
as the picture above on 14 February 1982.
hoto by Graham Earle

Looking north towards Farnworth & Bold station on 14 February 1982.
hoto by Graham Earle

Looking south from Farnworth & Bold station on 14 February 1982. The former up line, points and crossovers had all been removed.
Photo by Graham Earle

Farnworth & Bold station site looking north on 26 February 1982.
hoto by Graham Earle

Farnworth & Bold Number 1 Ground Frame looking south on 26 February 1982. Amazingly although it had no track to control the frame was still open at this time and would not formally close until 18 April 1982 by which time it had been removed.
hoto by Graham Earle

The point bat which the sidings from both Spence & Sons and the Turners Asbestos Company connected to the main line seen on 14 February 1982.
hoto by Graham Earle

Farnworth & Bold station looking south on 31 January 1982. The former down line is seen cut into sections waiting for removal.
hoto by Graham Earle

Two weeks later on 14 February 1982 the rails had been seperated from the sleepers.
hoto by Graham Earle

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[Source: Paul Wright]

Last updated: Saturday, 12-Mar-2022 14:54:22 CET
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