1952 - 2023

[Source: Jim McBride & Paul Wright]

When this view was taken at tooban Junction station on 27 June 1952 there were only a handfull of goods trains still operating on the L&LSR network. In this view looking west two trains can be seen. In the foreground L&LSR 4-6-2T locomotive number 10 is shunting wagons. In earlier days number 10 had carried the name 'Richmond'. To its right is sister locomotive number 8 on an up train from Letterkenny. Number 8 was a Hudswell Clarke product dating from 1901.
Copyright photo from Ernies Railway Archive

In the early 1950s the L&LSR started to be visited by railway enthusiasts who were well aware that the systems days were numbered. In this west looking view of Tooban Junction station taken on 27 June 1952 enthusiasts can be seen observing rail movements. They were still able to purchase tickets to ride on the goods trains as passenger brake coaches were always used.
Copyright photo from Ernies Railway Archive

The western end of Tooban Junction station looking west on 27 June 1952. The western connections of 1905 are clearly illustrated in this view. The points on the line to the right are set for the Letterkenny route. In the distance the Letterkenny line up home signal is in the off position which would indicate that a train would shortly be arriving into the station from that direction.
Copyright photo from Ernies Railway Archive

L&LSR 4-6-0T locomotive number 3 is seen at Tooban Junction on a 'down' goods service for Letterkenny on 27 June 1952. This engine was built by Barclays in 1902. It was one of four of its type built for the Burtonport extension. It was withdrawn from service by the L&LSR in 1954 having been used on track lifting trains along the Letterkenny line.
Copyright photo from Ernies Railway Archive

A view looking east at the site of Tooban Junction station in July 2022. The drainage ditch seen in this view runs through what would have been the eastern side of the station site.
Photo by John Mc Carron

In this view looking east the Burnfoot River can be seen to the left. Tooban Junction station occupied the land to the right of the river including that through which a drainage ditch now passes. The ditch is seen to the right.
Photo by John Mc Carron

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